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Kurunthogai In Tamil Pdf Free: Learn Sangam Tamil with Easy Translations and Explanations


Project Madurai is an open and voluntary initiative to collect and publish free electronic editions of ancient tamil literary classics. This means either typing-in or scanning old books and archiving the text in one of the most readily accessible formats ("ETEXTS") for use on all popular computer platforms. All etexts will be distributed in both web/html and PDF formats.- Distributed through the World Wide Web servers , anyone located anywhere may download a copy for personal use or read what we publish on the internet, free of charge.

They agreed to give all these 1000s of books (more than 2 lakh pages) in unicode word format,for Kaniyam Foundation to release as Free Ebooks. Once they are released, we will get all the Tamil Scholars complete works for free.

Kurunthogai In Tamil Pdf Free

0.3 Of the eight anthologies five are on Akam,two on Puram, and one on both. Six of them are in'akaval' metre which is a kind of blank verse,interspersed with alliterations and rhymes. Thepoems on Akam as well as Puram theme are writtenin this metre and its regulated and subtle musicadds to the poetic beauty. This metre is a simplebut wonderful instrument which causes noimpediment to the freedom of expression of thepoet. In has been found to be an appropriate andnatural medium for the expression of the valuableexperience of the poets.

22. The elegies in Purananuru are franklypersonal and are high tributes to the deadpatrons and friends. A few of them extended to bepoems of some philosophical significance. Theyare the outpourings of the emotions of the poetswho were so much attached to the patrons. Inthese elegies we do not find such similitude of ashepherd mourning for a companion as we have inthe pastoral elegies in western literature.19These elegies in Tamil are genuine andspontaneous. There is no artificiality in them.They express intimate and personal grief. Theycannot be charged of artificiality as in Milton'sLycidas. Like Tennyson's In Memoriam the ancientTamil elegy speaks in its own character and callsthings by real instead of allegorical names. Weneed not penetrate a disguise to feel the poet'spersonal grief. The ancient Tamil elegies areentirely free from any conventional bucolicmachinery.

3.1 The sun, the moon, the trees, the birds,the beasts and other objects of nature have beenartistically described in the poems of theseanthologies. But they have never been loved anddescribed for their own sake, as in modernpoetry. They have been described in early poetryonly to portray some aspects of life. Natureserves only as background for or setting to thehuman emotions that are depicted in Akam or Purampoetry. They serve as frames for pictures of loveor war, munificence, etc. Though Nature is thusmade subservient to the human theme, yet there isfree play of descriptions of nature. Nature has aprominent, though not a primary place in theseanthologies. These poems treat all outward thingsas subordinate to the inner forces and problemsupon which the interest is concentrated.26They essentially depict mental states and arepredominantly psychological, meditative andargumentative.

Even in the descriptions which extended tomore than six lines and which form part of themonologues of the hero, we find that he restrictshimself to two or three aspects of the physicalbeauty of his sweetheart and never transcends thelimits of decency. Therefore the hundreds of suchpoems dealing with love are happily devoid ofobscenity. Even the songs on the harlots and thehero's association with them are free from grossbawdiness. Sexual passions have been purged oftheir obscenity through dignified poetictouches.

Through this article, We provide free access to NCERT class 9 Tamil book, Tamil syllabus, chapters, Students can download 9th Tamil Book PDFs from the links provided below the table. Book has been updated for the current academic year 2022-23


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